Thursday, July 17, 2008

the abels are not finished yet...

While all of Hollywood is scurrying around like a bunch of headless chickens, worrying about the sky falling and the gloomy fate of independent film, especially documentaries, Jeff and I have been calmly jogging along with our movie at a slow yet steady pace, ignoring the chaos around us. And it's finally paying off!

We just found out that ABEL RAISES CAIN made it into the FROM HERE TO AWESOME showcase! We were one of the top 12 features and 10 shorts programmed based on audience demand. Variety announced the news this week: (Thompson on Hollywood). So THANKS to everyone out there who voted for us! We are really excited about this unique opportunity. It is exactly the push we need to get the film out to as wide an audience as possible AND we're really looking forward to seeing where this unprecedented experiment leads us. Please stay tuned...

Also, if there are any LA folks out there who are interested in funding, creating, distributing and sustaining yourselves as filmmakers in these shifting times, please come to DIY days next week. JOIN THE REVOLUTION!

DIY DAYS | fund :: create :: distribute :: sustain
July 26th 9:30am to 7:30pm
Under Spring, 1745 North Spring #4, Los Angeles, CA 90012
For further info, please visit:

1 comment:

Tim Boyles said...

Dear Jeff and Jenny:
Congratulations on the successes of your film. I was watching WFLA here tonight and saw Jeff talking about the earthquake. It was very ironic that you appeared on Tampa TV today. My girlfriend, Amy, is coming to LA to chase her acting dreams tommorow.
Jeff, I hope you remember me from WBBH. I'm out of the TV biz now. I'm shooting stills full time. You can check out my sites:
I've seen your brother on some news shoots I've done for Getty. I think the Nick Hogan sentencing was the last one. I always tell him to tell you hello, but I don't think he does.
Regardless, I was in Ft Myers last month. Shappy has been let go from WINK and is also chasing Print photography full time. I gave him some lessons/tips.
Amy is an excellent actress, spokesperson, voice talent if you're in need for your next project, or if you have any contacts that may be seeking someone like her.
And..if you need a STILL guy...let me know. She's staying there right now for two months...
Regards to you and yours!
And..congrats on very successfully chasing your own dreams....
Tim Boyles